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Because I dont want to be yet another faceless contractor. When we take the time to get to know our colleagues and clients on a personal level, it can make all the difference in how we work together. By sharing common interests and values, we're more likely to collaborate effectively, communicate openly, and ultimately achieve better results.


drone expert

As someone who wasn't sure about their career path after high school, I took a leap of faith and invested in a drone in 2016.

It was a scary decision, given the price amounted to half my monthly salary at the time and the fact that I had no experience in filmmaking or flying drones. Naturally, my first flight over the ocean raised my heart rate quite significantly.
Fast forward 7 years and this very drone is sitting right next to my desk. It captured many dear memories and allowed me to perfect my drone-flying skills. It resembles the first investment in myself I ever made and reminds me of where I started on a daily bases.

Despite the changes in regulations that have occurred over the years, I remain dedicated to the craft and in 2021 earned my A2 EU license with a 97 percent accuracy score. I'm excited to continue exploring new ways to use this amazing technology to tell stories and capture the beauty of the world around us. Whether it's for commercial work or personal projects, I'm always up for a new challenge and eager to push myself to new heights.



Yes, you're right, this will be as cliche as it gets.

But, if you were to ask me what makes me happy, then standing in the wilderness of a foreign country, witnessing the sun setting over the beautiful landscape, and archiving the view with my drone will likely come up. I was fortunate enough to travel to a solid number of countries already and hopefully will add many more. I can't get enough of exploring, seeing, experiencing, and tasting new things. For me, this is what makes a memorable life and a very welcome contrast to day-to-day routines. As a filmmaker who spends a lot of time indoors editing footage, I've come to cherish the opportunities I have to get outside and experience the world in a more tangible way. I like how every time I come back I gained a new perspective on day-to-day things and gathered recipes and habits I will carry on using going forward.



If you were to ask anyone who knows me to name one thing I'm good at and passionate about,

they would likely say filming - closely followed by my love for cooking. In fact, my kitchen is filled with a ridiculous amount of spice mixes because that is the one thing people just default to that as a gift to me. I cook every single day and the times I ordered food at a delivery service for just myself, amounts to a total of one. I try something new at every given chance and through my travels I have collected good amount of staple recipes from all over the globe. I typically prioritize healthy eating habits but if you ask me to deliver the worlds best lasagna, I will deliver on that.



I didn't actually learn to snowboard until I was 15 years old, and I have to admit, the beginning was rough.

Falling constantly and feeling like I wasn't making any progress made it hard to enjoy the sport at first. But eventually, I got the hang of it and started to really enjoy the thrill of carving down the mountain.What I didn't realize at the time was that this experience was actually building the foundation for my ability to quickly learn other board sports. When I first tried surfing or stand-up paddleboarding (SUP), I was surprised at how easily I was able to adapt and apply the skills I learned while snowboarding. With a few tweaks and adjustments, I was able to become fairly proficient at navigating whatever board I had under my feet.It's been amazing to see how my passion for board sports has evolved over the years, and I'm grateful for the skills and experiences that snowboarding has given me.